
Artigos em revistas avaliadas por pares e indexadas

1. Diógenes-Lima, J.; Pinheiro, S.; Cruz, J. & Malafaia, C. (2023). “If not even the school listens to us…”: Echos of climate justice on the ground”. JSSE – Journal of Social Science Education, 22(4). 11576/jsse-6346   

2. Malafaia, C.; Diógenes-Lima, J.; Pereira, B.; Macedo, E. & Menezes, I. (accepted). Collaborative Climate Labs: a youth-led methodology for cocreating community responses to climate change. Research in Education Journal – Special Issue: Democratic Methodologies in Education Research

4. Bernardini, A. E.; Bertolami, O. & Francisco, F. (2022). Chaotic Behaviour of the Earth System in the Anthropocene. Submitted to Anthropocene Review in 2022; Pre-print available at  

5. Bertolami, O. (2023). Will Lee Steffen (1947-2023). Anthropocenica. Revista De Estudos Do Antropoceno E Ecocrítica, 4, 111–115. 

6. Bertolami, O. (2022). Greening the Anthropocene. Anthropocenica. Revista de Estudos do Antropoceno e Ecocrítica, 3. 

7. Bertolami, O. (2022). From the Stochastic Weather to a Putative Chaotic Earth System.

8. Bertolami, O. & Gonçalves, C. (2024). Safety in an uncertain world within the Resilience Integrated Model of Climate and Economics (RIMCE). Available at SSRN: or

9. Bertolami, O. & Gonçalves, C. (2023). From a Dynamic Integrated Climate Economy (DICE) to a Resilience Integrated Model of Climate and Economy (RIMCE). The Anthropocene Review, 1-18.

10. Gonçalves, C. (2023). Editorial (on Climate change, global warming, and associated risks). Revista Ouricuri, Juazeiro, Bahia, v.13, n.1, p.24-42, jan./jun. ISSN 2317-0131

11. Gonçalves, C. & Bertolami, O. (2021). The anthropic risks, climate change and coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19): A conceptual reflection on risk and disaster as a contribution to public perceptions. Anthropocenica. Revista de Estudos do Antropoceno e Ecocrítica, 2.   

12. Vieira J, Castro SL, Souza AS (2023) Psychological barriers moderate the attitude-behavior gap for climate change. PLoS ONE 18(7): e0287404.  

13. Barros, Maria A.; Seabra, Catarina L.; Sampaio, Maria J.; Nunes, Cláudia; Silva, Cláudia G.; Reis, Salette & Faria, Joaquim L. (2023). Eradication of Gram-negative bacteria by reusable carbon nitride-coated cotton under visible light. Applied Surface Science 629, 157311. 

14. Borges, Rita A.; Pedrosa, Marta F.; Manrique, Yaidelin A.; Silva, Cláudia G.; Silva, Adrián M.T.; Faria, Joaquim L. & Sampaio, Maria J. (2023). 3D structured photocatalysts for sustainable H2O2 generation from saccharides derivatives. Chemical Engineering Journal 470, 144066. 

15. Lopes, Joana C.; Moniz, Tânia; Sampaio, Maria J.; Silva, Cláudia G.; Rangel, Maria & Faria, Joaquim L. (2023). Efficient synthesis of imines using carbon nitride as photocatalyst, Catalysis Today 418, 114045. 

16. Sampaio, Maria J.; Ribeiro, Ana R. L.; Ribeiro, Cláudia M. R.; Borges, Rita A.; Pedrosa, F. Marta; Silva, Adrián M. T.; Silva, Cláudia G. & Faria, Joaquim L. (2023). A technological approach using a metal-free immobilized photocatalyst for the removal of pharmaceutical substances from urban wastewaters. Chemical Engineering Journal 459, 141617.  

17. Pinheiro, S., Torres, A.C., Pereira, B., Malafaia, C. & Menezes, I. (2024). Citizenship education to promote the participation of young people in climate adaptation: crossing curricular boundaries through community profiling. Curriculum Perspectives.  

18. Pinheiro, S.; Torres, A.C.; Menezes, I. (2024). “Jovens e Ação Climática: Abordagens educativas promotoras da dimensão coletiva da participação juvenil na adaptação climática das suas comunidades [Young People and Climate Action: Educational Approaches Promoting the Collective Dimension of Youth Participation in Climate Adaptation in their Communities]”. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 19 (esp 1.) e024062.

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Artigos em atas de conferências avaliadas por pares

1.     Pinheiro, S.; Torres, A. C; Diógenes-Lima, J.; Pereira, B. & Malafaia, C. (2023). “How can the use of participatory and co-creation approaches enhance young people´s civic participation for climate change adaptation?”. Proceedings of INTED2023 Conference 6-8 de march 2023. DOI: 10.21125/inted.2023.2076 | ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4 |ISSN: 2340-1079

2.     Gonçalves, C. (2023). ‘Risk societies. Uncertainty and the “time of science”’. Atas do XII Congresso Português de Sociologia, Sociedades Polarizadas? Desafios para a Sociologia, Coimbra, 4 a 6 de março de 2023, Available at SSRN: or


3.     Gonçalves, C. (2022). “Resiliente Communities. A Non-Catastrophic View To Face Risks In The Anthropocene”. In Minutes Book. Green Marble 2022. Estudos sobre o Antropoceno e Ecocrítica. João Ribeiro Mendes, Isabel Ponde de Leão, Orfeu Bertolami, Maria do Carmo Mendes, Rui Paes Mendes, Carmen Diego Gonçalves (Eds.), pp. 37-48. DOI:10.21814/1822-81362  

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